This question is often asked and sometimes it can be confusing even after I explain it. What do you get with my Free Website Service? I understand it can be confusing because there is so much information out there in … Continue reading
I’m testing the status format
Just checking how Twenty Thirteen displays posts formatted with the type status. I’m thinking I may use them to give you a heads up about updates to plugins and themes or even WordPress core.
Our Back To School Special offer is in full effect.
About a month ago I offered everyone a Grand Opening special. Today . In case you’re wondering about this, you can read about the back to school special here. Just like the free website service, you’ll need
How to invite people back to your website
One way to attract more attention to your website is by inviting people to check it out. Most people will forget to come back to a website, so you have to remind them when you have something new. There are … Continue reading
20 Reasons to have a website
After listing some of the most popular excuses people make to avoid getting a website, I compiled a list of reasons why you need and should have a website. So check them out.
Excuses people make to not have a website
You need a website. Your friend told you. The little voice in the back of your head told you. Maybe even your wife told you. So why don’t you have one yet? Let me guess… Your customers don’t get the … Continue reading
Less than 63 hours to go on our Grand Opening Sale
Our Grand Opening sale is going on right now and it is a limited time offer.