Generally, this plugin attracts lots of comments and participation. But the big complaint is that as much as it attracts participation, it also attracts spam. You see, the comments are “dofollow” but I’ve paired Top Commentators plugin with another plugin to minimize spammy comments.
Hopefully all will work out okay! I guess you’ll see it for yourself around here since the Top Commentators will be showing up on the sidebar. Let’s see how this tests goes!
In that same token, if you are going to leave a comment, I’d encourage you to also share the post you’re commenting on in Social Media so that it gets your friends to also see it and possibly link to it and give you even more juice. That’s what this is all about right? Juice.
You’ll have to make the comment certain length and then it will count. That will eliminate “first” and other short and “nice” but useless comments.
I’m currently working on what I refer to as the ultimate guide for something. That “something” will be revealed very soon. But it just occurred to me that I seem to be writing a lot about “ultimate guides” like the Ultimate Online Profit Model book which you can download for free from my personal blog at
But without anything else to report on right now, comment away, c’mon, it’s good for you.
Thanks for activating the Top commentator plugin.. It rewards loyal readership.