Gmail recently rolled out a change to their subscribers. Some people hate it, some people love it. I personally don’t care much for it but I’m trying them out to see if they are any better than their previous attempt at this called Priority inbox.
So this time, instead of “prioritizing” your email, they decided to categorize all the email you get into one of five categories. You may or may not like this option but chances are you’ll want to customize it.
It’s very simple to turn this feature off or adjust it to your liking. Check out these simple instructions:

How to configure the new tabs in Gmail
1. On the right side of the Gmail interface, find and click the little gear icon (a.k.a. Settings).
2. Click Configure inbox.
3. Now choose which of the five available tabs you want to enable—or disable. I use all five, and if you wonder what each one is, just read their description.
4. To disable this feature altogether, simply uncheck all the tabs and you’ll have your old inbox back.

Remove Gmail inbox tabs or customize them
5. Once you’ve made your selections, click Save.