One, because this is not your average free wordpress installation service. Real work besides pushing a button or two goes into setting up your site. In the case of transfers, we also take care of DNS settings and any other technical complexity that might arise. Not to mention the data transfer, link corrections, and other stuff that you probably didn’t even know about.
Two, Because I am trustworthy. I am not going anywhere anytime soon, so if I recommend that you buy something and this solves your problem, then you should buy it. But if it doesn’t help you then don’t buy it. Perhaps you’re not ready for that particular solution.
Three, This is what I do for a living. If you haven’t, read my blog. I work from home, online and do many things. One of them is this website. This site helps me pay my bills and raise my daughter, and it helps you. Everybody wins!
You can see some of my testimonials here and see what paying customers say over on my Clarity profile.
Posted in: Free Website